"Super Easy Tips for Marketing Your Artwork on Social Media" by Shipyard artist Liz Hager
The Shipyard Artists Facebook page
1. Create a Social Media Presence
Seems kind of obvious, right? Many Shipyard Artists are still not on social media. This may be by choice, but if you want to be virtually marketing your work and need assistance getting onto Instagram, Facebook (FB), Vimeo, Pinterest, YouTube, etc., there are resources among us who can give you some easy, quick help. Please email lizhager@lizhager.com for assistance.
2. Link To, Comment On, & Share Other Sites
Commenting regularly on other people's sites gets you noticed by their followers, people who often are not familiar with your work. Who knows where your next collector will come from?
A good place to start is to link your accounts to the Shipyard Artist sites. Our FB site has over 4,000 followers; wouldn't it be great for them to see your work?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shipyardartists/
3. Use Your Time Online Efficiently
Block out a chunk of time (once/week/once/month) to create a calendar of posts. Many sites let you schedule posts in advance, so you do not have to manually upload every day. Make an effort to check your accounts frequently and reply to anyone who has posted a comment on your site. A thoughtful interaction goes a long way to creating a positive impression of you and your work.
4. Post, Post, Post
Managing social media is a sustained time commitment but it can certainly pay off. Social media marketing is no different than any other marketing. The idea is to introduce your work to new potential collectors and a few posts a month probably isn't going to do the trick. Most successful social media marketers recommend posting at least 3 times a week with daily posts preferable. Alternate posts of your work with things or other artists that inspire your work, process techniques, or upcoming shows.
5. Use Reposting Opportunities
Once you have linked to Shipyard Artists FB and Instagram sites (above), add text @HunterspointShipyard (in Facebook) or #hunterspointshipyardartists (Instagram) to your posts so that the Shipyard sites can share your posts with their 4000+ followers. Sweet!
For questions or ideas on social media topics, please contact Liz Hager, Studio 1307, Bldg 101, at lizhager@lizhager.com