Shipyard Gallery Art Exhibits & Events
Open to the public and free

Hard Hat Heroes Coloring Book Cover

William Rhodes and Stacey Carter collaborated to create a coloring book based on William’s Shipyard History quilts, describing the jobs African Americans did at the Hunters Point Shipyard,

Up Next:

Hard Hat Heroes
A Black History Coloring Book for Young and Old
Book Release Party - February 27th, 6-8PM

Artist Talk Saturday, March 15th, 2-4PM
On the making of the coloring book and the idea of Black Labor

More info and RSVP
Order a book

  • A coloring book release party based on the African American Shipyard History Quilt Project

  • Illustrations by William Rhodes

  • Text and historic images by Stacey Carter

  • Opening Event and community tours

  • For private community coloring book tours please inquire.

Details on the Shipyard Artists website

This program is made possible by the California Arts Council, The San Francisco Arts Commission, The Kenneth Rainin Foundation and the Zellerbach Family Foundation.

Black On Point

Black On Point is a collective of Black artists with studios at the Shipyard. Their goal is to support each other and gain more visibility for the group. Please see the list of Black artists participating in Shipyard Open Studios.

Art for Kids

Art class at the Malcolm X Academy
Photo credit: Brian Moore

STAR actively supports those Shipyard artists who introduce students from Bayview Hunters Point and beyond to the fun and creativeness of art. Some teach art in public schools. Schools who would like to have artists come to their schools, please email us.
This program is made possible with support of the California Arts Council and other generous donors.

Intergenerational Art Program

In partnership with Bayview Senior Services, STAR provides Shipyard artists and art supplies for weekly art classes that bring together Bayview seniors and students. Email if you are interested in participating as a senior or a school that would like the students to engage.
This program is made possible with support of the California Arts Council and other generous donors.

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Exposure Art Program

In an effort to achieve more and awareness of the opportunities the Hunters Point Shipyard Artists bring to the community and local community participation in our Open Studios events, we offer an Exposure program that lets students in local school view artist studios and interact with professional artists outside of the Open Studios events. Email us if you are interested in participating with your group.

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Adult Education

STAR matches skilled teaching artists at the Hunters Point Shipyard with Bayview Hunters Point organizations that want to offer art classes to their members or the public. In 2017, for example, the George Davis Senior Center hosted a watercolor class taught by Tesia Blackburn.

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STAR Annual Auction

Every year during Fall Open Studios, STAR holds its annual auction and fundraiser. Shipyard artists generously donate artwork for the silent auction. This supports our programs and administrative costs, brings artists to the attention of Open Studios attendees, and gives attendees the chance of acquiring high-quality art at a bargain price. Preview selected artworks in the 2018 auction. (Link opens in a new window.)

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Artist Salons

STAR organizes small, informal evenings with artists in their studios where art lovers - and other Hunters Point Shipyard artists - can get acquainted and learn about new work in progress.

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