Mini-Golf Competition: Apply Online


Mini-golf is coming to Bayview Hunters Point! NOW Hunters Point, a local community organization, and Shipyard Trust for the Arts (STAR) are excited to announce an open call to Hunters Point Shipyard artists (PDF file, 243 KB) to collaborate on a Bayview Hunters Point-themed mini-golf course. We are looking for artists, craftspeople and makers of all disciplines to submit proposals to design and fabricate obstacles or "features" which players will engage or navigate around in order to complete the hole. (Begin your submission below.)


Artists will be awarded a grant of between $700 - $1200 depending on size, scope, and time required to complete the feature. The timeline for this process is as follows:

08/11/17 : Proposal submission deadline
08/14/17 : Artist notification
09/15/17 : Feature installation


  • Features should address the theme of “the industrial and cultural history of the Bayview.”
  • Features should be designed as either obstacles or pass-throughs.
  • Features are expected to withstand normal wear and tear resulting from use of the course in an outdoor environment.
  • When not in use, features will be stored indoors and reasonably protected from the elements.
  • Features may weigh no more than 65 lbs, and should have a low center of gravity to allow them to withstand wind gusts as well as user contact.
  • Features should not pose a hazard to users should they be tipped over.


  • Features should be constructed from materials that are resistant to wear and outdoor use, such as marine grade plywood, FRP, outdoor textiles, aluminum, painted lumber, etc.


  • Features should adhere to one of the two footprints shown here (square or triangular).
  • NOTE: the two footprints have different maximum heights (48” for triangular features, 60” for square features).


Please submit a proposal to STAR by 8 p.m. on Friday, 08/11/17. (Begin your submission below.) Each proposal should include:

  • A written description of each proposed feature, outlining its connection to the history of Bayview Hunters Point
  • A visual description (sketch, diagram, etc.) of each proposed feature, including indication of primary materials and whether it is a obstacle or pass-through. Note: You may submit more than one proposal by attaching an image of each to this application, but our goal is to have features by as many artists as possible.
  • A detailed time and materials budget for each feature submitted.

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